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Cicada Invasion Billions Expected To Emerge In Virginia In 2024

Cicada Invasion: Billions Expected to Emerge in Virginia in 2024

Three Years After Brood X, Prepare for Another Mass Emergence

Three years after the massive Brood X emergence, another wave of billions of periodical cicadas is preparing to emerge in Virginia in 2024. These insects, which spend most of their lives underground, will surface in mid-May, leaving behind small holes in the soil that resemble tiny chimneys.

Brood XIX Set to Emerge

The group of cicadas expected to emerge in 2024 is known as Brood XIX. This particular brood is known for its vast size, covering a wide area from North Carolina to New York. While most Virginians will not see periodical cicadas in 2024, those living in certain regions may experience a significant emergence.

Impact on the Ecosystem

The emergence of billions of cicadas can have a significant impact on the local ecosystem. The nymphs, which feed on plant roots underground, can cause temporary damage to young trees and other vegetation. However, adult cicadas are harmless to humans and animals, and their presence can actually benefit the environment by aerating the soil and providing a food source for birds and other wildlife.

What to Expect

If you live in an area where Brood XIX is expected to emerge, you can expect to see large numbers of cicadas flying, crawling, and singing. Their distinctive buzzing sound can be deafening at times, but it is a natural part of their mating process. The cicadas will eventually die after mating, and their carcasses will provide a valuable source of nutrients for the soil.
