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Blinken Ukraine

US Secretary of State Blinken Visits Kyiv

Antony Blinken: Ukraine Can Win the War Against Russia

Determined US Support Amidst Ongoing Conflict

In a significant visit to Kyiv, Ukraine, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has expressed unwavering support for the country amidst its ongoing conflict with Russia. Blinken's arrival marks the first Biden administration visit since the invasion began.

During a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Blinken declared his belief that Ukraine possesses the capability to emerge victorious from the war. He emphasized the crucial role Ukraine's strong leadership and the resilience of its people play in this potential outcome.

The Secretary of State's visit underscores the unwavering commitment of the United States to Ukraine. He stressed that the US will continue to provide essential military, economic, and humanitarian aid to help Ukraine defend its sovereignty and defeat the Russian aggression.

Blinken's remarks come amidst a brutal conflict that has claimed countless lives and displaced millions. The ongoing fighting underscores the urgent need for a peaceful resolution, and the US remains committed to supporting diplomatic efforts that can lead to a just and lasting end to the war.
